Saturday, February 27, 2010

My Collection 1 : For hunters 我的收藏品之一 :猎人的用具

I love collecting handicraft, and it is always part of my experience during my journey. It would be great for me to share with you my collection.

This wooden item was bought from Sulawesi. Hunters used this container to keep the poison for hunting purpose. The poison could be from plants or from animals such as snakes, or scorpions. Hunters hang this item at their waist. Whenever they are ready to hunt, they will put poison on the needle, and a blowpipe will be used to shoot the needle towards the animal.



贵州行之第十二篇 :千户苗寨




寨子一带的山地都被辟成了可农耕的梯田。不同的季节里栽种不同的农作物,如稻米,油菜花等。米饭是苗族的主食。那一年经过了一场雪灾后迟来的春天,农民们唯有把命运交予上天。(备注2010 今年贵州,云南等地正面临着严重的干旱。希望上天快快把雨水带到这些地方,不只村民们需要用水,农作物的收成更靠上天供给的阳光与雨水。)


寨子里常可遇见孩童们嬉戏。当他们看到你的到来时,比较大胆的甚至会跟着你到处走。这一次我却例外,我选择跟着孩童走,结果跟着他和弟弟回家。他家阿嬤正忙着蒸糯米准备酿制米酒。看到我拿着相机,那男孩笑得好灿烂。山区的孩童脸上通常都带着两撇。。不是须,而是鼻涕。当然我也曾在一些村子里遇到不愉快的经验,尤其那一些比较多游客到来的村子, 一大群的孩童追逐你和你要钱等。遇到这一类情形,我通常都不会拿起我的相机,也尽量避免交流,慢慢地他们便会散开了。


Friday, February 26, 2010

Turkey 5 : Devotional Road

Sumela Monastery was founded as early as 4th centry, re-builit and restored for many times in dfferent centuries, by different empire of Turkey. Devotional road is always not an easy journey of life. Many monasteries of different location and different religions share similarities, where they are mostly built in places away from cities, up on the hill slope, or hidden in forests and caves in order to provide a quiet place for prayers and learning.

Sumela Monastery was located in Macka region, and it is basically built into a steep slope of Karadaglar/Black Mountain. From the valley, visitors need to walk uphill for about 30 minutes to reach the entrance of the monastery. The journey is short, but many parts are quite a steep walk. There are plenty of maple tress along the way, and the colorful maple leaves beautifies my journey up to the monastery.

A long and narrow stairway leads me to the entrance of the monastery. Among the major elements in this monastery are the Rock Church, chapels, kitchen, student rooms, library, guest rooms and sacred spring. However, only limited compartments are opened to public/visitors.

The inner walls and outers wall of the Rock Church and chapels are decorated by frescoes. These frescoes were made as early as 13th century during the reign of Alexios III of Comnenian Empire of Trabzon. These fresoces can be in the inner wall of Rock Church.

There are different kind of frescoes used to decorate the early churches. Some are painted directly on the rock wall, while some are painted on to a thin layer of plasters on rocky wall, and this is the type observed in this monastery.

The frescoes found in this monastery are badly damaged, but the outline of the frescoes can still be observed clearly. The main subjects of these frescoes are biblical scenes, as well as stories of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary.

The outer wall of the church is filled with frescoes of various biblical scenes such as resurrection of Jesus Christ, etc. However, I notice that many frescoes of people are destroyed, with either both eyes or face gone. After I asked the guard stationed in this monastery about the reason, then I know that when Islam came to Turkey, many frescoes related to Christianity are destroyed by Muslims and in their belief, a being is represented by both eyes or face. Therefore, most of the frescoes ended up with both eyes or face gone.

Devotional road is always about faith. Look at how the devotees of the world, of various religions practice and devote themselves to the God or to what they believe. It is always a wonderful experience to visit religious places and learn about others' religions or belief.

Note : Aya Sofya Museum is also worth a visit in Trabzon. This is not the Aya Sofya in Istanbul.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

贵州行之第十一篇 :一个象征仁,义, 礼, 智, 信的村寨

肇兴-一个我非常喜爱的少数民族村寨,位于贵州黔西南的群山之间. 两条源自山间的小河穿寨而过,村民们的吊脚楼都沿河而建,清澈的河水都用来洗衣,抹地等。

我在这寨子里待了五天,留宿一家位于河边吊脚楼的小客栈。每天早晨起身都不必闹钟。 一大早侗家妇女们开始用木槌捶打侗布的声音比把我从被窝里给拉起身。这寨子的早晨是忙碌的,有到学堂上学去的学生们,有开门做生意的老板们,有开始织布,染布,洗布,捶打侗布的妇女们,有到田里干活的同志们,等等, 让这里的早晨美丽而充满意义。



(备注 :我会在下一篇更详细的介绍鼓楼和花桥)
