Sema is the inspiration of Mevlana more than 800 years ago, and it is also a part of Turkish culture, history and beliefs.
Watching and experiencing the Sema ceremony live is a touching moment for myself. It represents a mystical journey of the spiritual ascent of man through mind, and love to the Perfect. Turning towards the truth, growing through love, deserting his egos, finding the truth and finally arriving to the Perfect (Kemal). And after that return from the spiritual journey with maturity and greater perfection, to love and to serve the creation.
Sema ceremony consists of seven parts, with different meanings. It is accompanied by Sufi music.
The dervishes will remove the black cloak, and it marks the start

of his spiritual journey to maturity and perfection through stages of Sema. The crossing arms of the dervishes testify to God's unity. During whirling, the arms are open, with right hand directed to the sky receiving blessings from God. The dervishes revolve around the heart, from right to left, embraces all humankind with affection and love.

Seven parts of Sema :
(1) Eulogy to the Prophet
(2) Drum sound symbolising the Divine order of the Creator
(3) Instrumental music with a read which

represents first breath that gives life to everything - The Divine Breath
(4) Greetings of dervishes to each other and repeated circular walk.
(5) Whirling, with four salutes of different meanings
(6) Quran reading
(7) Prayer

The religious ceremony takes about one hour, and I could feel the human desire to be in unity with God, to reach the perfection, and to spread God's love to the whole creation. It is a wonderful experience for me to witness this ceremony, especially the non commercial ceremony organized by Konya City Council to the visitors. It is no longer just a dance, or just a whirling ceremony to me, and I appreciate the kind of spiritual desire of humankind to our Creator, through prayer and revolving towards perfection and spiritual maturity.

This 800 years of love will continue as we are all created in the image of our Creator, with his Divine Breath, and our longings to be in unity with our Creator and to be like Him comes naturally as part of us.
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